Xu Rongqing
Vice President
Professional experience
He has been working as a commercial real estate tenant agent for more than 13 years, during which he provides tenants with a full range of leasing agency services. He has also, based on a deep understanding of the customers’ businesses, developed standards for current and projected real estate demands by tapping into the demands generated in different driving stages of customers. A clear set of goals are set after observing industry trends and company-specific goals, and valuable and comprehensive solutions are provided by him to his customers. Extensive market knowledge acquired by him is a key component of his success in China. He is praised for his expertise in tenant agency, his ability to change the status quo and his quality of integrity and leadership, which all lead to the company’s success and growing partnerships with tenants. He has established a set of unique service system from preliminary customer demand analysis to strategy formulation and project execution. From the very beginning of his job career, he has been providing services such as new lease, renewal, lease restructuring, surrender of tenancy and sublease for well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises.

Working experience
In 2008-2014, Mr. Xu worked as Assistant Director of Goldman & Flexfield.
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